Proper foot care is crucial for individuals who suffer from diabetes. Because the disease can cause neuropathy and decreased sensations in the foot and ankle, having customized shoes and orthotics can help prevent serious foot issues and alleviate pain and discomfort that often accompanies the foot related complexities of the disease. Customized footwear such as orthotics play an integral part in the foot health of a diabetic patient, helping them in the following ways:
· Reduce complications caused by foot ulcerations – Foot problems associated with diabetes can cause extreme pressure and rubbing that can lead to raw areas and painful sores. Proper footwear can help reduce or alleviate these issues.
· Creates shock absorption – The bottom of the foot is subject to a great deal of vertical pressure. This pressure can be particularly painful for diabetic patients. Footwear with the right stability can help reduce discomfort and increase range of motion.
· Extra support – Diabetes sufferers often have issues with foot deformities that can create a great deal of pain without the proper cushioning and support. Specialized shoes and orthotic inserts can give the patient much needed stability.
· Decrease inflammation – Customized footwear and orthotic inserts can assist in stabilizing foot joints, thereby decreasing foot inflammation and providing pain relief.
While customized shoes are sometimes the best solution for diabetic patients, often an orthotic insert is all that is required. The specially molded shoe inserts offer a non-surgical alternative to correct foot and ankle issues caused by diabetes related conditions. Orthotic inserts can include footpads placed on the sole of the patient’s shoe as well as ankle braces to help support and stabilize foot joints. Ankle braces are worn in conjunction with shoes and are put on before the patient puts on their shoes.
At Robinwood Orthopaedic Specialty Center, we offer our patients a full range of non-surgical and surgical treatments for diabetic foot related conditions. We can help patients get custom fitted for orthotic footwear that will increase their comfort as well as their ability to live a productive life. If you or someone you know suffers from diabetic related foot issues, contact Robinwood Orthopaedic today to schedule an appointment at one of our four convenient locations.