Having a surgical procedure is never an easy decision. Orthopaedic surgeries can help to alleviate painful injuries and diseases of the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. If your condition does require a surgical procedure, there are several steps to consider as you prepare for the process.
- Determine if you really need surgery - Some surgeries are optional and some are not. The decision to have surgery, especially an optional one, should be well thought out. You need to know potential risks, outcomes, and benefits. It is also important to consider other options before you make the final decision to move forward with the procedure.
- Find the right doctor - The most important step after deciding that surgery is necessary is finding the right doctor. You want to trust and be comfortable with your surgeon. Ask how often they have performed the surgery to ensure they have a good track record of performing the procedure you need.
- Understand the procedure - Don't be afraid to ask questions until you are completely comfortable with what to expect. You should understand the procedure, know any risks, and know what you can do to improve the results.
- Prepare for Surgery - Many factors can impact the outcome of a procedure. Some things to consider before your surgery include:
- Quit smoking - Smoking can change blood flow patterns delays healing, and could increase recovery times.
- Eat healthy- Our bodies use food for fuel and to rebuild itself. When you are recovering from surgery, you may feel as though you are laying around all day, but your body is working hard to rebuild and heal. A healthy diet will help your body meet the demands of the recovery process
- Exercise - It will be hard to do your physical therapy after surgery if you are not in shape before. A regular exercise routine of walking, cycling, or swimming a few times a week is often enough to prepare for the upcoming surgery and therapies that follow.
If you are unsure about the need for an orthopaedic surgical procedure, the team at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics Robinwood is happy to provide a second opinion. Our skilled staff can help with pre-surgery questions all the way through post-op recovery. We offer family-oriented advanced orthopaedic care including diagnostics, fracture care, sports medicine, spinal care and physical therapy. Contact our compassionate team today at 301-665-4950.