Whether you’ve been dealing with chronic pain for months or have recently suffered an injury, it’s very likely that your doctor or surgeon will prescribe some form of rehab, or physical therapy. Physical medicine and rehabilitation is a subspecialty of medicine that aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with injuries to the muscles, bones, joints, spine, and nervous system. While it’s common for patients to focus primarily on the injury or surgery, it’s helpful to look past that and toward getting back to normal activities. Here are just a few of the reasons that it is so important to do your rehab after surgery or injury.
Faster Recovery - Anyone who has had surgery recently can tell you that the sooner you get up and moving after your operation, the smoother your recovery will be. Gone are the days of extended bedrest after surgery. In fact, especially after a joint operation (think knee, hip, or shoulder), many patients start their physical therapy the same day! This leads to shorter hospital stays and improved outcomes.
Ease Swelling and Pain - Swelling is part of the normal post-surgical healing process, but it can cause pain and limited movement. Your physical therapist will prescribe exercises designed to reduce fluid buildup, thus reducing swelling and the associated pain.
Regain Mobility - One thing that patients look forward to most after surgery is getting back to their normal activities. Whether that is walking the dog, running a race, or playing a round of golf, the muscles in and around the site of surgery or injury must be strengthened. If you’ve been limping because of knee pain, for example, it’s likely that your ankles have become weak, or your hips and lower back have gotten stiff. Mobility exercises help patients to regain normal range of motion and functionality. Your Physical Therapist will study your unique situation and put together a plan of action to get you back to normal as quickly as possible.
Increase Strength - Once range of motion has been restored, your Physical Therapist will work with you to regain your strength. Strengthening the muscles above and below the site will help create stability and lessen the likelihood of further injury.
Get Back to Your Life - The ultimate goal of any rehab program is to allow the patient to return to their daily activities. Sticking with your rehab by working with your therapist and adhering to your program will improve your chances of making a full recovery and resuming your normal activities for years to come.
If you have recently had surgery, a sports injury, or other orthopedic condition, the providers at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics Robinwood are here to help you. Visit us online, or call 301-665-4950 for more information or to schedule your appointment.