Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What to Expect after Knee Surgery

Aging, sports and accidents can cause unnecessary knee pain and discomfort. If the symptoms of your knee issues become too severe, they might require a knee surgery or even a total knee replacement. Going into any surgical procedure can be a bit scary and overwhelming and knee surgery is no different. Here are some general things to expect as you go through the recovery period from your procedure.
1.     Get going – The amount of time before you get up and start moving depends upon how extensive your surgical procedure is. In general, you will be expected to start moving within the first 24 hours of your procedure. The quicker this happens, the faster the healing process. At first these mobility sessions will be brief, but will increase in duration and distance as you progress.
2.     Bending and moving –Your physical therapist will ask you to start bending and flexing your knee regularly to increase the range of motion. If your procedure requires a hospital stay, you will be asked to demonstrate a moderate range of motion. Additionally, before you are discharged you must show you can get by without an assistive device and are able to dress yourself.
3.     Stepping it up at home – As your recovery progresses, you should increase your daily movement. You will be given at-home exercises and a walking regime. It is important to follow this program faithfully to prevent swelling and inflammation of the surgical site. You may also be asked to start climbing stairs and do light stretching to increase flexibility.
4.     Regular therapy – In addition to at-home exercise, you will be expected to attend regular physical therapy sessions to help monitor your recovery and determine any changes to your at-home program. In therapy, you might also be asked to lift weights, ride a stationary bike or use a treadmill/stair climber. Your therapist will also help you get a thorough stretch of the area. The number of therapy sessions you attend each week will decrease as your healing commences.

Consult your doctor and/or physical therapist if you feel any discomfort, sharp pains, sudden swelling or oozing of the wound site. These could be signs of more serious issues. If you have any questions about what to expect after knee surgery, please contact the staff at Robinwood Orthopaedic Center.  

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